Monday, January 9, 2017

1973: Alupent inhaler my story

In 1973 I was 3-years old. This was the year that a little white inhaler called Alupent was approved by the FDA. there was other rescue medicine on the market too, including Alupent solution. So, while I may have been too young for an inhaler in 1973, I certainly was old enough for my mom to give me breathing treatments when I was feeling short of breath.

This did not happen. I do not fault my doctors for this. I am sure they remember quite well the fact that the asthma death rate spiked in the late 1950s following the introduction of the Medihaler Epi to the market. They were well aware that, while asthma rescue medicine opened airways, it also had a strong cardiac effect.

After the Medihaler Epi and Medihaler Iso were introduced to the market in 1956, doctors were eager to prescribe these medicines for their asthma patients. And asthmatic patients love the convenient, and quick relief provided by these inhalers. They became an overnight sensation among the asthma community.

Asthmatics stuffed them in their pockets. They stuffed them in their purses. They took them with them wherever they went. And when they felt asthma symptoms, they pulled out their handy inhalers and they puffed. If their breath did not come back, the kept puffing until it did.

So, one theory is they became over-reliant on their inhalers. After puffing too many times, the cardiac affect caused their hearts to stop. They went into cardiac arrest and died.

There was also a second theory that postulated that the inhalers gave asthmatics a false sense of hope. that, rather than seeking help when they needed it, they kept puffing on their inhaler. By the time the decided they needed to seek help, it was too late. I personally prefer this theory.

However, that is neither here nor there. I am simply relaying this bit of information so you know that the medical community was fearful of rescue medicine. Doctors surely wanted to help asthmatics, but they didn't want the medicine they prescribed to harm their patients either. So, they did not prescribe me this kind of medicine. I had asthma attacks, and if I needed help my parents had to recognize it and take me to the doctor or hospital.

The fact I was a child asthmatic probably made Dr. Gunderson even more fearful of prescribing rescue medicine. So, regardless of how bad my asthma became over the course of the next seven years, my parents had no rescue medicine to help me breathe better.

1 comment:

  1. This is a good article. Thank you for sharing. I am about 12 years older than you and I remember vividly taking Aledrine liquid, Tedral, & Prednisone for maintenance. We would have to call the medical center to seems all and a few of them would try to talk me out of my asthma attack?? For reals!! We lived in a smaller, but, big like town with a small hospital that the doctor would have to be called in. My family did not have insurance for much of my younger life. I remember my Dr coming to our home. Then having to be admitted to the hospital and being put in an oxygen tent. They were still putting me in an oxygen tent when I was admitted as a teenager. Also, my meds were not labeled for many years. You had to tell the Oncall Dr the color of the medication you were taking. True fact! Then we were able to get a Doctor (Pediatrician that specialized in asthma), who had all my medications labeled and he monitor me closely. He allowed us to get & use Isuprel spray. I could use it once in 6 hours. The breathing treatments used were on the "Byrd" machine. Do you remember that? It was definitely a different time than now for asthma sufferers. Thank Heavens things have improved.
    I hoped my children would not inherit this gene. Luckily my son did not.
    I then had a daughter who had her 1st asthma attack at just 1 month old. I was terrified. Many scary times. Her next one was 2 weeks later. We were being told if she was showing this young then she would likely have severe asthma. And yes she did have a severe case. We had the luxury of nebulizered meds and Insurance. She spent much time inpatient and on many holidays at our Primary Children's Hospital here. They were and still give excellent care. My daughter is an adult now and her asthma is controlled pretty well with current regimen of Singulair, inhaled steroids and bronchodilators and neb treatments. Mine on the other hand is not so much. I am on constant 4 liters of oxygen. Have been hospitalized multiple times over the past 6 months.. My current maintenance meds are duonebs, and 2 inhaled steroids with bronchodilators. I have tried a few of the monoclonal/biologic meds like Xokair. Currently I am Monoclonal injection Fasenra. This seems to be helping.My veins are shot, & skin look terrible from the life Long use of needed steroids. I have much scar tissue in my lungs and am currently awaiting approval for Bronchial Thermoplasty surgery to remove the scar tissue in my lungs. And to add to that fun I have been diagnosed with a DVT (blood clot in my leg) and some PE's(blood clots in my lungs). So glad we are living in a time with better treatments and options.
    Asthma treatment has sure came a long way in 50+ years.
